You have only to keep yourself open and whatever you need and can receive at the moment will come.
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AuroMedia, the media wing of Sri Aurobindo Society has a large repository of talks, interviews and conversations with the sadhaks and disciples of Sri Aurobindo Ashram's early days.
On the auspicious occasion of Siddhi Day, AuroBharati, Sri Aurobindo Society, is delighted to announce the release of 'Devavani AuroBharati Sanskrit Radio' on November 24, 2023.
AuroPublications released its audiobook - On Women - Compiled from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Official notice to the general public regarding Mr. Pradeep Prem and Ms. Mamta Prem
Auro Centre for Public Nutrition, Public Health and Public Policy (ACPN) is a vertical of Sri Aurobindo Society (SAS) that aims to develop and promote activities for providing education, awareness and information to various target groups.
Audiobook 'How to bring up a child' is an attempt to bring some light into this obscure yet important field of rearing a child.
AuroMedia, the media wing of Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry invites your participation in exploring the various forms of beauty and art within and around you.
A new post-graduate course on ‘Social Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo’ is introduced at Pondicherry University.
A film as a tribute by Sri Aurobindo Society in association with Kolkata Sukriti Foundation on the occasion of Sri Aurobindo's 150th Birth Anniversary.
On Sri Aurobindo Society's 63rd Birth Anniversary on 19 September, 2023, we began streaming AuroPublications 'Light of Lights—an Anthology of Spiritual Poetry' on Spotify.
It is with great elation we announce the publication of AuroPublication's next e-book, Indian Literary Tradition – in the Light of Sri Aurobindo by Dr. Beloo Mehra.
As we approach 15 August 2023, AuroPublications is extremely happy to announce our next audio book, A Call to the Youth of India – Compilation from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother edited by Vijay.