Rupantar Transforming Education

About Rupantar

Education is one of the most powerful means for bringing about change in the individual, the society and the country. In India, an innovative initiative is needed, which can successfully bring together four elements—impact with large numbers, high quality & excellence, higher values and cost effectiveness. 


“Organisations, however vast and complex they may be, can achieve nothing permanent unless a new force, more divine and all-powerful, expresses itself through a perfected human instrument.” – The Mother

Launched by Sri Aurobindo Society in 2015, Rupantar ( is a programme to transform the quality of education in government schools across the country, by harnessing the power of the people and existing resources. No new systems, no more layers of processes. This is a movement to create an ecosystem where everyone works together in synergy to harness the power of the people and existing resources.

With several innovative projects to empower teachers, gear up education officers, support students and increase parents’ and community’s participation, Rupantar is fast on its way to become the world’s largest programme to improve state education systems.


For more information:

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Twitter: @SAS_Rupantar | LinkedIn: Sri Aurobindo Society Rupantar


What we do


Empower Teachers

Zero Investment Innovation platform to identify and scale grass root best practices, and training for motivational and skills enhancement. 






Empower Education Officers

Workshops to enhance their leadership, decision-making skills and understanding of the significance of their work in education.






360° Rupantar of Schools

Transformation of Government Schools – one in every district of the country – as role models of harnessing existing resources.





Bring Inclusivity in Classrooms

Special Education training for teachers to identify and support children with hidden disabilities.





Innovate Curriculum

Create new ways of teaching/learning to make curriculum more values-based, relevant and joyful, for better learning and retention.





Impact Education Policy

Establish Centres of Excellence for innovation in education, and advise various government bodies on harnessing people power and existing resources.


Past Events