7th Sourcing Our Oneness Camp at Ompuri, Gujarat

Start Date:03-Dec-2022

End Date:07-Dec-2022

Location:Ompuri, Matar, Gujarat

Institute:Sri Aurobindo Society

Celebrating Sri Aurobindo’s 150th Birth Anniversary & 75th Year of India’s Independence

Aspiring for the Divine

Inviting aspirants of oneness and harmony who would like to collectively work for the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, for a  4-day Sourcing Our Oneness Camp at the Sri Aurobindo Society Centre at Ompuri, Gujarat, from 3rd December to 7th December 2022 (Arrival: 3pm, 3rd December; Departure: before 11am on 7th December). The theme for this year is to celebrate the 150th birth anniversary year of Sri Aurobindo by Aspiring for the Divine.

This is a camp in the beautiful green setting of ‘Ompuri - A City for the Divine’ as named by the Mother. In this camp, we shall collectively engage with Sri Aurobindo’s Five Dreams broadcast on 15th August 1947. To deepen our understanding, we will use the 12 Qualities from the Mother’s Symbol. The highlight of this camp will be a visit on the 5th December Darshan day to Sri Aurobindo Niwas at Vadodara where Sri Aurobindo had stayed. We will also be visiting Karnali where he had his early spiritual experience of seeing the Divine Mother in the deity of Kali temple (which he later described in his sonnet ‘The Godhead’). There will be daily interaction with Nature, and also opportunities to dive into quiet spaces through Meditation, Chanting, and Savitri reading. It is a process of opening up, and connecting with our inner self as well as the Divinity in our surrounding world.

This invitation goes out to members and associates of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Aurovillians and Members of Auroville International, Sri Aurobindo Ashram – Delhi Branch, Sri Aurobindo Society & its Centres, The Golden Chain Fraternity, World Union, Sri Aurobindo’s Action, Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research (SACAR), Sri Aurobindo Association USA, and other organizations related to the work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Each centre or organization (with the exception of the organizing bodies) is encouraged to send at least two to three persons to take part in this momentous event commemorating Sri Aurobindo’s 150th birth anniversary and the Nation’s 75th year of Independence. This is also a special opportunity for people from Gujarat to participate in the Divine work.

Registration Details:

  • Participants above the age of 18 years are welcome.
  • Contribution for the camp is Rs. 3500 per individual, which includes camp fee, accommodation, food and the visit to Vadodara and Karnali on 5th December. Once the Request for Registration is confirmed by the Organizing Team, then the formal Acceptance Letter will be sent to the participant with the details of the fee payment gateway.
  • Click here for the GoogleForm ‘Request for Registration’, in order to apply. Please go through the details carefully and sign up at the earliest, as we are reaching out widely and the number of seats are limited.
  • Click here for a brief video on the last Sourcing Our Oneness Camp 2022 held in Nainital.
  • Click here to view a video on Ompuri Centre

Please do not proceed to the Ompuri Camp site without the Acceptance Letter from the organizing team. The Last date for application is 15th October 2022.

Contact the following for any further information:

If you are associated with Auroville, contact:

Unity Pavilion (E: unitypavilion@auroville.org.in Tel. : 0413 2623576) 

Sri Aurobindo Society, contact:

Dr Arati (E: arati@aurosociety.org; M: +91 9442708666) or

Priti (E: priti@aurosociety.org; M: +91  9312715557) or

Shivakumar (E: shivakumar@aurosociety.org; M: +91 9442625637)

Puducherry / Golden Chain:

Arindam, Golden Chain: +91 9994474945 (arindam.sinha6@gmail.com)

With sincere aspirations towards Oneness,

The Sourcing Our Oneness 2022 Organizing Team,

Anju Khanna (Madhuban/Delhi Ashram), Dr Arati Sharma (Sri Aurobindo Society), Arindam Sinha (The Golden Chain Fraternity), Jaya (Auroville), Jayanthy Ramachandran (Delhi Ashram), Priti Umamaheshvaram (Sri Aurobindo Society), Shivakumar (Sri Aurobindo Society), Uma Prajapati (Auroville).
