On December 1 and 2, 2018, Sri Aurobindo Centre for Homeopathy (SACH, a unit of Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry) in association with Karnataka Qualified Homoeopathic Doctors' Association (KQHDA) and Research Society of Homoeopathy (RSH) organized NATIONAL HOMEOPATHY CONFERENCE 2018 at the Society House, Puducherry.
Homeopathy is practiced in more than 100 countries of the world, and in India its growth is phenomenal. Every year this conference is organized in different part of the country and this time Puducherry (formerly Pondicherry) was chosen as the destination for the national conference and was themed ‘Ayushmann Bharath’ (Healthy India). Around 200 homeopathic practitioners, educationists and researchers from across the country participated in the event.
- To find ways to bring homeopathy in to the mainstream for the people of India.
- To provide momentum to various policies of the central and state governments so that this field of medicine can be spread widely into masses.
An important discussion in the conference was on how the government can focus more upon Homeopathy.
The discussions in the conference focused upon various aspects of Homeopathy as a field of medicine and also on upgrading the teaching methodology. The organizers revealed that there are more than 200 homeopathy colleges in India and about 15,000 students take admission in undergraduate courses while 13,000 students take admission in postgraduate courses annually.
Homeopathy is effective in preventing many communicable diseases, such as dengue, chikungunia, swine flu, measles, chickenpox, etc. It is also effective in treating both acute and chronic diseases. The conference also included sessions on how and what to suggest to the government so that Homeopathy can be brought into mainstream and schemes such as national health mission and others can include Homeopathy in a massive way.
A petition was also made that one Homeopathic Medical College should be set up in Puducherry and dispensaries should be opened for every 10,000 people.

The conference was inaugurated in presence of Dr. K. V. Ramanan, Director of Health Services, Puducherry; Shri Vijay Poddar, Managing Trustee, Sri Aurobindo Society; Dr. B. D. Patel; Dr. Anurudh Varma, President, Research Society of India; Dr. H. L. Swamy, Chairman, KQHDA; Dr. Chaitllai Kulkarni, President, KQHDA; Dr. Deepa Radje Nimbalkar, Secretary, KQHDA; and Dr. Pachegaonkar, Director, SACH, Sri Aurobindo Society.
Some of the notable topics of the papers presented at the conference include:

- Homeopathic Management of Fresh Cases of Diabetes Mellitus
- Metabolic Bone Disorder and Homeo-ortho Healing Cases with Correction of Deformity
- Homeopathic Management of Autistic Children
- Homeopathic Management of HIV/AIDS
- What to Do After First Prescription?
- Panchkosha – Homeopathy Is Divine Science
- G.B. Syndrome and Homeopathy
- Homeopathic Management of Advance Cancer Cases
- Evidence-Based Clinical Study in Skin Ailments
- Actual Totality in Infertility Cases
- Natural Galactagogues Help in Partum Mothers and Homeopathic Approach
Homeopathic Management of Psychosomatic Disorders of GI System