Happy faces all around!! Undoubtedly the person behind this happiness is Shri. Vijay Bhai.
He has come today to the SAS office to wish Aura for its birthday.
The Story of Aura
As Aura silently celebrates its birthday today, let us recall how the thought of setting up Aura came to SAS and Shri. Vijay Bhai.
In the year 2016, Sabrina and Thierry Cantereau, two French tourists attracted by the Society’s Office entered to have a glimpse of that building. Shri. Vijay Bhai was in and welcomed them. After a casual talk with them, he found that they were architects from France. This sparkled him to ask for their ideas about setting up of Aura, with a bit of French style in it. The plan was designed by the French duo and Mr. Peter executed those plans staying here at Pondicherry. As a result, we have this boutique today that faces the Bay of Bengal with all its alluring beauty.
We all at the SAS strongly believe that it is the grace of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo that we have Aura today here celebrating her second birthday.
Glorification of Aura Today

Today’s birthday started with a meditation. The meditation was attended by Shri. Vijay Bhai, jointly with the staff of Aura and SAS. The waves lessened their roars and participated in the meditation. The winds marked their presence through the sounds of the chims. A 10-minute long meditation gave a good start for the day and the celebrations ended by the members of Aura sharing Prasad with their SAS counterparts.
Let’s all wish together Aura a prosperous future!!!